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5 Benefits of Tray Storage Furniture in the Classroom

September 1, 2020Other
5 Benefits of Tray Storage Furniture in the Classroom
Education to a child is invaluable, with school being a place they spend the majority of their early lives. Here children learn the building blocks to thrive in society later down the line. This however, along with all other walks of life was severely impacted when news of COVID-19 took over our headlines, in replacement of parents-turned-trained teachers and fuzzy webcam calls.

With a mood of mass apprehension, returning to the classroom must be carefully thought out – starting with looking within the classroom itself. Storage furniture is a staple for classroom dynamic and design. Follow this article for the five reasons you should seriously consider implementing tray storage furniture in your classroom:

1. Classroom storage aids learning
Children in primary education are both extremely visual and associative. They find value in making connections between things. Storage furniture ties in with this, as children enjoy having places to put things, knowing that thing ‘belongs’ in that drawer – indirectly providing a child with structure, which is then reflected in their learning. Tools and materials are readily accessible way before the kicking and screaming episode begins – thankfully.

This is where our range of Colourbox storage furniture goes the extra mile. Sold in a range of 11 different colour options including a range of tray colour options, your classroom will not only be the envy of others, but children are also able to associate colour with what goes where.For example, establishing that art supplies live in the yellow unit. This will hold ever more importance with children out of whack having spent so much time away from the classroom.

2. Responsibility for their own belongings
Take yourself back to the school days, and the sense of importance felt having being issued our own tray or peg for our belongings. Children develop skills of independence when taken out of their comfort zone and given ownership of something, without constant parental assistance. With tray style units, children are also learning about privacy of their things and in turn a level of respect for their belongings, and also that of their school peers.

3. Giving order to the classroom

Classroom storage is also great for maintaining a system of order in the classroom. In primary education classrooms have enough going on such as washing lines of work strewn across the room. Proper storage gives a home to various tools and resources, and teaches children a level of discipline – putting things back in their rightful place post-use.

Children aren’t only the guilty ones here, many teachers can relate to the avalanche of old paperwork spilling out of your cupboard before you manage to wrestle the doors back closed. Making use of the coloured units to certain teaching resources will similarly help organise your mind, and in turn the childrens too.

4. Increased security in the classroom
When storing classroom equipment and personal belongings, security should be taken into consideration. With a lockable element on a large range of tray storage furniture, you can always be sure that anytime the classroom is unattended your things are kept safe, whether that be children’s personal items, classroom equipment or precious teaching material.

This is also beneficial as it means items can be left overnight to prevent you from lugging extreme loads of paperwork home and back again. And also prevents curious little hands breaking into the resources when you have your back turned.

5. COVID secure

After the initial shock of COVID-19, as if over night our way of doing things had to completely change. With children making a return to school, adjustments to the previous modus operandi must be made in the hope of keeping the virus at bay. The tray storage furniture fits into the category of wooden surfaces, where COVID can survive for up to four days.

This is easily resolved with the ability to easily wipe down the laminate surfaces, and also the removable storage trays. Sharing of certain resources is also advised to be kept at a minimum, which works in favour of the units as each child can keep vital instruments such as pens, pencils and rulers in their own tray as opposed to the conventional sharing boxes.

The units are also complete with ABS edging to give a seamless finish, but also aid in preventing the virus from hiding in exposed edges and corners.
Storage furniture meets all performance criteria in a classroom. Adequately supporting learning, while standing the test of time against boisterous little ones. Bring order to the chaos and shop here.

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